
Lynda Blender Essential Training blender 從基礎完整學習起 英文DVD版(只能用電腦播放)

影片名稱: Lynda Blender Essential Training blender 從基礎完整學習起
語系版本: 英文DVD版
光碟片數: 1片裝 (單面 DVD)
破解說明: mp4檔,只能用電腦播放
系統支援: Windows XP/ME/NT/2000/2003/Vista/7/8
軟體類型: 教程
更新日期: 2016.11.28
相關網址: 無
中文網站: 無
軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準)

001 Welcome.mp4
002 Using the exercise files.mp4
003 Download Blender.mp4
004 Using Blender on a Mac.mp4
005 Using Blender on a laptop.mp4
006 Overview of the Blender interface.mp4
007 Understanding 3D view windows.mp4
008 Navigating in 3D space.mp4
009 Configuring user preferences.mp4
010 Selecting objects.mp4
011 Moving objects.mp4
012 Rotating objects.mp4
013 Scaling objects.mp4
014 Understanding transform orientation.mp4
015 Changing an object's origin.mp4
016 Selecting pivot points.mp4
017 Using Snap to move objects precisely.mp4
018 Creating mesh primitives.mp4
019 Selecting vertices, edges, and faces.mp4
020 Editing mesh objects.mp4
021 Proportional editing.mp4
022 Sculpt mode.mp4
023 Working with edges and edge loops.mp4
024 Extrusions.mp4
025 Smooth shading objects.mp4
026 Subdividing meshes.mp4
027 Working with modifiers.mp4
028 Working with subdivision surfaces.mp4
029 Creating a simple creature.mp4
030 Symmetrical modeling with the Mirror modifier.
031 Joining mesh objects.mp4
032 Stitching vertices.mp4
033 Finalizing a simple creature.mp4
034 Creating text.mp4
035 Boolean tools.mp4
036 Vertex groups.mp4
037 Using the Outliner.mp4
038 Using layers.mp4
039 Creating groups.mp4
040 Working with scenes.mp4
041 Creating hierarchies.mp4
042 Assigning materials to objects.mp4
043 Diffuse shaders.mp4
044 Working with specularity.mp4
045 Using the Ramp Shader options.mp4
046 Additional shading options.mp4
047 Creating reflections.mp4
048 Adding transparency and refractions.mp4
049 Subsurface scattering.mp4
050 Adding a simple texture.mp4
051 Using bitmaps.mp4
052 Mapping textures in the UV Editor.mp4
053 Using UV projections.mp4
054 UV mapping a character.mp4
055 Fine-tuning UV mapping.mp4
056 Creating Bump and Normal maps.mp4
057 Displacement mapping.mp4
058 Using the Node Editor.mp4
059 Adding lamps to a scene.mp4
060 Fine-tuning ray-trace shadows.mp4
061 Using spot lamps.mp4
062 Fine-tuning buffer shadows.mp4
063 Using Hemi lamps.mp4
064 Working with Area lamps.mp4
065 Creating sky and ambient light.mp4
066 Adding background images.mp4
067 Creating sunlight.mp4
068 Ambient occlusion.mp4
069 Working with cameras.mp4
070 Creating camera targets with constraints.mp4
071 Render properties.mp4
072 Rendering animation.mp4
073 Adding motion blur.mp4
074 Creating depth of field.mp4
075 Understanding the Timeline.mp4
076 Animating objects.mp4
077 Animating properties.mp4
078 Editing animation in the Graph Editor.mp4
079 Using the Dope Sheet.mp4
080 Path animation.mp4
081 Facial animation using shape keys.mp4
082 Understanding armatures.mp4
083 Fitting an armature to a creature.mp4
084 Deforming a character with an armature.mp4
085 Setting up inverse kinematics.mp4
086 Controlling the hips and body.mp4
087 Animating in Pose mode.mp4
088 Creating a test animation.mp4
089 Interactive rendering in cycles.mp4
090 Render settings for cycles.mp4
091 Create basic materials in cycles.mp4
092 Using the Node Editor to refine materials.mp4
093 Working with image maps.mp4
094 Create bumps and deplacemenets.mp4
095 Create lights in cycles.mp4
096 Working wih ambient occlusion in cycles.mp4
097 Create object-based lighting in cycles.mp4
098 Image-based lighting in cycles.mp4
099 Using environment lighting in cycles.mp4
100 Lighting a scene in cycles.mp4
101 Next steps.mp4
